Cheryl Lero Jonson
Cheryl Lero Jonson is an associate professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at Xavier University. Her research interests include the impact of prison on recidivism, public opinion and criminal justice policy, and active assailant responses.
Sean Patrick Roche
Vice Chair
Chair, Awards Committee
Chair, Constitution and By-Laws Committee
Sean Patrick Roche is an associate professor in the School of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Texas State University. His research interests include policing, public opinion on crime and criminal justice issues, survey research methods, and offender decision-making.
Christi Metcalfe
Christi Metcalfe is an associate professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of South Carolina. Her research interests include attitudes toward crime and the criminal justice system, criminal courts, defendant decision-making, and life course criminology.
Alexander L. Burton
Executive Counselor
Chair, Communications Committee
Alexander L. Burton is an assistant professor in the Criminology and Criminal Justice Program at The University of Texas at Dallas. His research interests include corrections, and public opinion and public policy.
Audrey Hickert
Executive Counselor
Chair, Nominations Committee
Audrey Hickert is an assistant professor in the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. Her research interests include corrections, reentry, desistance, and public opinion on these topics.
Shichun Ling
Executive Counselor
Newsletter Editor
Chair, Publications Committee
Shichun Ling is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminalistics at California State University, Los Angeles. Her research interests include biopsychosocial criminology, neurocriminology, psychopathy, and psychology.
Jason R. Silver
Executive Counselor
ASC Meeting Organizer
Chair, Program Committee
Jason R. Silver is an associate professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University—Newark. His research interests include the roles of morality and ideology in shaping how people approach criminal justice and crime.
Leah C. Butler
Chair Elect
Leah C. Butler is an assistant professor in the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. Her research interests include public opinion, correctional policy, victimology, and victimization prevention.